Meet your coaches

Hi, we are Elijah and Cristina Runyan we have been married for almost two decades and have 4 beautiful children. We are the leaders of The Pursuit, a faith based non-profit in Sonoma county whose mission is give people the tools and support to discover whole health and become the best version of themself’s, Spirit, Soul Body.

For almost 10 years we lived a very disconnected life, and all though we eventually found a way to cultivate a beautiful marriage, it wasn’t until 2021 when we found the connection codes that our relationship became truly connected. The connection codes so dramatically transformed our lives and our marriage that we knew we had share it with the world. so in 2024 we became certified Connection Codes coaches and now help countless individuals and couples go from disconnected to connected, and have the relationships and marriages they always dreamed of.

Elijah’s Story




At age 34 with 4 kids I was 50 pounds over weight, exhausted, out of breath just walking, in constant pain, and continually having to tell my kids I couldn't play with them because I didn't feel good. Finally I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, and decided to make a change. I have now spent he last 10 years acquiring and implementing the tools to become the best version of myself Spirit, Soul, Body. Becoming your best self isn’t about over night change but the small changes that compound over time. It is a Joy to be able to give away the tools I have acquired and support people on their journey to becoming their best self.